Friday, October 4, 2013


By Darin Skaggs

     Okay, now that I have your attention let me tell you about Marc Forester’s new film World War Z.  The film opens with a loving family going through their everyday routine eventually ending up in their car on the way to school. Then a motorcycle cop runs into their mirror, the dad Gerry Lane played by Brad Pitt gets out of the car wondering why the cop didn’t stop.  Then an explosion goes off in the distant, the family is scared and wonders what is going on until a cop is ran down by a truck.  Gerry follows the truck until he can’t anymore, then they get out of the car and view these “humans” attacking other people.  The family is then on the run after that, stealing an RV and driving away from the city.
     The army eventually calls Gerry to come back to his old job, which he left to be with his family, for his help to try and stop this virus attack.  He joins the fight and leaves his family protected on the boat they are brought to.  From there the film becomes a pretty good action film.
     After Gerry joins the fight to find the source of the virus, which is insanely impossible by the way, has some great action scenes.  There is one where characters escape on bikes, there is also a scene where the zombies bypass a wall and another good scene that takes place on a plane.  Most of the scenes are thrilling and fun, but there are a few others scenes that make no sense.  They are implausible.  They remind me of the dumb stunts that you could find in the Die Hard series.  The action scenes are about 60% good and 40% bad.
     I do respect this film because it is not afraid to shy away from the darkness of what an apocalyptic zombie attack would bring.  Gerry thinks he might turn into a zombie so he stands on a ledge, so if he does turn, his family won’t be harmed.  Also the film is not afraid to kill the innocent.  If the world was over taken by zombies bad things would happen, things that would not be easy to swallow and the movie shows that very well.  This makes the final conflict really suspenseful because you are not totally sure how it is going to play out.
     The film ends with a “next time on World War Z” speech, setting up a sequel.  I liked the film, but I’m not completely sure it needs a second one.  Other than that World War Z is a fun ride that does not totally work, but you’d be glad you saw it.

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